11 Peer-reviewed Publications | 3 Scientific Newsletter Articles

Journal Articles
Sawall, Y, Harris, M, Lebrato, M, Wall, M, Feng, E (2020) Discrete pulses of cooler deep water can decelerate coral bleaching during thermal stress. Frontiers in Marine Science https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.00720/full

Conference Abstracts
Harris, MK, Vazhova, A, Saunders, Radchenko, V, Pakhomov, EA, M, Hunt, BPV (2020; 2022) Winter phytoplankton isoscapes in the Gulf of Alaska: decoding Pacific salmon ecosystems on the high seas.
1. 20th Salmon Ocean Ecology Meeting, USA, p. 9
2. UVic Women in Science STEM Research Symposium, Canada ‘Best Oral Presentation – Second Place’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4UjMc2XvUc
Harris, MK, Murdock, SA, Juniper, SK (2022; 2022) Evaluating microbial genetic resources associated with seafloor massive sulphide deposits: combining photogrammetric reconstruction and molecular diversity surveys.
1. 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting, USA
2. Canadian Black Scientist Network BE-STEMM 2022, Canada
Harris, MK, Murdock, SA, Juniper, SK (2021) Evaluating marine genetic resources associated with seafloor massive sulphide deposits: combining photogrammetric reconstruction and molecular diversity surveys. 2021 Geological and Mineralogical Associations of Canada Joint Annual Conference, Canada
Taylor, S, Tessier, LT, Saunders, M, Harris, MK (2021) Effective multi-jurisdictional ocean science collaboration in a rapidly changing world through the International Year of the Salmon initiative. 2021 World Fisheries Congress, Australia
Harris, M, Sawall, Y, Lebrato, M, Wall, M, Feng, E (2019; 2021) Effect of Artificial Upwelling on Preventing Coral Bleaching During Times of Thermal Stress: Strategies for Survival in a Warming Ocean.
1. 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting, USA https://agu.confex.com/agu/osm20/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/637718
2. 14th International Coral Reef Symposium, Germany https://icrs2021.smart-abstract.com/eposter/#/posters/3
Taylor, S, Radchenko, V, Tessier, LT, Harris, MK, Saunders, M (2020) Investigating factors influencing Pacific salmon in the marine environment: the IYS Pan Pacific High Seas Expedition 2021. 20th Salmon Ocean Ecology Meeting, USA, p. 8
Taylor, S, Radchenko, V, Tessier, LT, Saunders, M, Harris, MK (In Press) The International Year of the Salmon High Seas Expedition 2021: Towards Effective International Ocean Science Collaboration in a Rapidly Changing World. 2021 Marine Socio-Ecological Systems International Symposium, Japan
20th Salmon Ocean Ecology Meeting at Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. Monterey Bay, CA, March 2020.

Science Newsletter Articles
Harris, MK (2021) Defining winter phytoplankton stable isotope dynamics in the central Gulf of Alaska. NPAFC Newsletter (No. 49), pp. 17-24 https://npafc.org/wp-content/uploads/Newsletters/NWSL.49.pdf#page=17
Harris, MK (2020) The 2019 International Gulf of Alaska Expedition: a pioneering exploration of the overwintering conditions of Pacific salmon. PICES Press: Newsletter of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (Vol. 28, No. 1), pp. 27-29 https://meetings.pices.int/publications/pices-press/volume28/PPJan2020.pdf#page=27
Harris, MK (2020) Expanding human understanding of the high seas environment: preliminary survey plans of the 2021 Pan-Pacific High Seas Research Expedition. NPAFC Newsletter (No. 47), pp. 20-27